Commissioning Manager Membership
The Commissioning Manager grades should be applied for by people undertaking Commissioning Management or by specialist engineers (For example; electrically biased) The CSA committee members have recognised that the commissioning industry is now more diverse in the day-to-day requirements for specialist engineers and commissioning managers. If you are a current CSA member you can also apply to move across to the new Commissioning Manager grades. However, if you are still a hands on Commissioning Engineer you should remain on the original grading structure. If you need more information please contact Jo in the CSA office.
- This is the only category of membership where you are graded by CSA Assessment Committee.
- Membership ID card with grade and membership number.
- Certificate of membership again with membership number and grade
- On joining, opportunity to purchase a copy of the 2015 CSA Engineers Compendium at half the published Member's price.
- "Index" quarterly newsletter
- Individual members representative who you can contact and discuss any relevant association matters.
- Free 1 year membership if enrol on a Distance Learning Course at the same time.
- 50% Discount on all CSA Publications i.e. TM's, Compendium etc.
- 30% Discount on BSRIA Publications
- 20% Discount on CIBSE Publications