Page 4 - INDEX Summer 2024
P. 4

C S A  BREAKING                                                                                  C S A  BREAKING

                                NEW S                                                                                            NEW S  C ONTINUED . . .

          THE  C O MMIS SIONING  SPE CIALIS T S                                                                                  As well as leading projects such as the Manchester   Now, I embark on a new adventure with the
                                                                                                                                 Engineering Campus Development (MECD), Christie     Commissioning     Specialists   Association,   an
          AS SOCIA TION   WEL C O ME S   NEIL   BURDE S S                                                                        Proton Beam and Manchester Town Hall, Neil has grown   organisation  I  have  chaired  for  the  past  three  years
                                                                                                                                 our team and service offering in the North which has
                                                                                                                                                                                     and sat on various committees for the past nine.
                                                                                                                                 seen us have two office moves in the time he has been   My passion for commissioning excellence drives me
          The  Commissioning  Specialists  Association  (CSA)  has   Banyards Statement:                                         with us.                                            forward, and together  with the other members of
          made great strides in making the construction industry   It is with mixed emotions that we bid farewell                                                                    staff and the many CSA Members who volunteer so
          more fully aware of the importance of the commissioning   to  Neil  Burdess, our longstanding Associate Head of                                                            much of their time, we aim to enhance CSA’s training
          function  in  achieving  first  class  buildings.  We  are,   Commissioning  in  the  North.  Neil  is  moving  on  from                                                   courses, elevate technical commissioning practices, and
          however, very clear that there is still much to do. After   Banyards to dedicate himself fully to his new role as                                                          provide comprehensive industry guidance.
          careful consideration, we came to the conclusion that   Chief Executive Officer at the CSA, following on from his
          we needed to increase our staffing levels to cope with   3-year chairmanship.
          both current and future development projects as well
          as the day-to-day minutiae of running the association.
          It was decided that the first step would be to employ a
          senior person who could coordinate the efforts of our
          various committees to ensure that their work supported
          the overall aims of the CSA in the best way possible.

          Following  a  robust  recruitment  process,  we  are
          thrilled to welcome Neil Burdess as our new Chief
          Executive  Officer.  Neil’s  extensive  experience  and
          deep  understanding  of  the  commissioning  industry,
          coupled with his proven leadership skills, make him a
          tremendous asset to our team.

          Having chaired the CSA for the past three years, Neil’s
          vision  and  dedication  have  already  left  a  significant
          mark. We look forward to his contributions as we
          continue  to  advance  our  mission  of  promoting
          excellence  in  commissioning.  Neil’s  expertise  will  be                                                            Neil  has  built  long  standing  relationships  for  us  and
          instrumental  in  enhancing  our  training  programs,   Neil  has  been  an  invaluable  asset  to  our  team  over    leaves us with the team in a very strong position in
          elevating technical practices, and guiding the industry   the  11  years  he’s  been  with  us,  delivering  numerous   terms of experienced personnel as well as current and
          towards a more innovative and efficient future.     prominent  and  technically  challenging  projects  as             forthcoming work over the years to come.
                                                              well  as  developing  and  growing  our  Northern
          Please  join  us  in  welcoming  Neil  to  his  new  role   Commissioning  Management  team  to  what  it  is  now.    Please join us in wishing Neil the very best in his new
          at the CSA. We are excited about the future and     His  leadership  has  not  only  driven  our  projects  to         role. His journey ahead is sure to be as remarkable as
          the  positive  impact  Neil  will  undoubtedly  have   success but has also inspired our people to reach new           his time with us has been.”
          on  our  organisation  and  the  wider  commissioning   heights. Under Neil’s guidance, our team has thrived,
          community.                                          demonstrating  technical  competence,  efficiency  and             Neil Burdess’s Journey with Banyards and the CSA
                                                              effectiveness.                                                     Reflecting on this remarkable journey Neil said: “Our
          Keith Barker said:                                                                                                     team in the North of England has achieved great things,
          “Neil has had a very positive effect on the CSA in his   While we will miss Neil’s presence and contributions at       working with some of the best clients on the most
          previous roles on our committees and particularly in   Banyards, we are excited to see him further his impact          prestigious  projects.  None  of  this  would  have  been
          the last three years as Chair. Having decided to expand   in the commissioning field through his work at the CSA.      possible without the incredible support and guidance
          the staff to cope with the ever-increasing level of our   We are confident that he will continue to lead with the      of Nick Till, Dave Cocksedge, and the wider Banyards
          activities, we were delighted when he threw his hat   same passion and dedication that have characterised              team over these past 11 years.
          in the ring. We could not pass up the opportunity to   his tenure with us.
          harness that creativity, positivity and enthusiasm and                                                                 A heartfelt thank  you  to my  amazing  team:  your
          look forward to his input in bringing our exciting plans   Dave Cocksedge said:                                        commitment, expertise, and dedication have made     Exciting plans lie ahead! I am fully behind the vision
          for the future to fruition.                         “It  has  been  a  pleasure  to  work  with  you  Neil  and        us an award-winning force. I cherish the memories   of a digital future for the CSA, leveraging technology
                                                              I would like to take this opportunity to personally                of collecting our first CSA award for the Proton Beam   to advance our field with a framework that allows us
          There  is  no  doubt  that  Neil’s  loss  will  be  a  blow  to   thank you for all your dedication, hard work, drive and   ‘Project of the Year’ and seeing Tom Dunn and Tony   to optimise and innovate. As I bid farewell to Banyards
          Banyards, who have been long-time supporters of the   commitment. You have been a fantastic member of our              Craig honoured as Commissioning Managers of the     and embrace this new chapter, I look forward to
          CSA. However, we are grateful to see that they have   Senior Leadership team, and your contribution has                Year.  As  I  move  on,  I  am  confident  that  Banyards   contributing further to the wider commissioning
          adopted a positive stance and taken the view that what   been immense. Our Northern team will go from strength         will continue to thrive and set new standards in    industry and working with more of you in this
          is good for the CSA will ultimately be good for them.”  to strength as a result of the foundation you have built.      commissioning excellence.                           evolving sector.”

          Neil Burdess – Associate Head of Commissioning Banyards, CSA Chief Executive Officer                                   Neil Burdess – Associate Head of Commissioning Banyards, CSA Chief Executive Officer
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